Introduction 5

Introduction 5

Welcome to Sienna, Sienna is software, a baby that will evolve from an idea into networking business software the likes of which have not yet been imagined. My peers describe Sienna as”Face Book for business” I like to consider her “The Global Distribution System”

 One key to Sienna’s success will be the creation of fun user friendly software. I’ve mentioned customizing it to a particular industry but the real key comes from ease of use. Even the most math struck book keeper, admin lacking sales person or time strapped CEO will really appreciate even love the ease of use, usefulness, accuracy and enjoyment of the software. Putting it all together and including direct shopping & e-mail we aim to be the preferred browser for e-mail and daily life, running your finance, improving your business and organizing your social life. 

I have been pushing creative software to the limit for 24 years having one significant world first in 2001. That year also saw me trust into the world of business. 10 years later, after many lessons, I have the perfect concept and the understanding of how to make this software. It will make businesses more efficient, a lot more efficient, providing ingenious branding, customer service, sales persons aids and cutting edge financial tools that will near alleviate the need for financial staff, all connected to a shared central database where everyone that uses the software can buy from each other at a business to business rate. Plus add other businesses products automatically to their websites at the touch of a button, giving them comprehensive offering of fully global products to add to their current portfolio or stock. “Face Book for business” say my peers. A completely original concept that will, I hope, be noted by Nobel as an evolution in economics.

But first to me, Nick Ray Ball

Born: Edgar Walter Ball, 02/08/1971 Belgravia, Westminster, London

I had a normal childhood, other than passing my maths O Level at the age of 14 not excelling academically.

From 17, I started the 22 year journey learning many different contrasting skill sets not usually combined. Pre millennium these skill sets consisted of computer and Internet programming, visual presentation, creativity and vision. Alone these skills are not particularly unique, but at the age of 29 I moved to Cape Town, South Africa and begun a 10 year journey into the often harsh world of business. At first I created an internet design company and the world first virtual tour using Adobe Flash, I combined this with database programming and search engine marketing and in 2002 created Cape Villas now Africa’s elite villa rental agency uniquely recommended by Conde Nast Traveller having seen enquiries for Sir Richard himself and the likes of George Michael through our doors.

The road to this success was fraught with problems. I needed to develop and understand a completely new set of skills, marketing and later branding came instinctively, but management of staff, customer services, human recourses (38 staff at one point), admin and financial departments took years to master.

In the finance sector alone, I spent literally hundreds of thousands of pounds over the years hiring financial managers and big accounts companies to implement their recommended accounting software only to find there was none that worked for my industry. I had the same problem with CRM, GDS & reservation software.

For me to create this software is crystal clear and existing, to make a programme that gives all the financial answers, organises, promotes your brand and promotes new business whilst elevating the need for staff in many areas is very simple. I am utterly amazed that no one has already created it.

For all the near financial failures our brand remained intact and in 2009 I had significant successes designing and producing our coffee table magazine distributed by Conde Nast Traveller which saw the likes of Bulgari phone us as would be sponsors for the next edition.

After creation and distribution of this magazine one very obvious fact came to light, which was there were only so many people coming to Cape Town to rent a villas. A magazine covering travel in Africa would catch a larger audience. So I created a new complimentary brand Experience Africa . Products were researched, independent reviews written and a website created. Then a chance meeting with Sotheby’s who wished to partner with Cape Villas saw the clever idea of duplicating the website under their branding.

And this was, I guess the catalyst and the moment of inspiration of how to tie it all together. If Sotheby’s were happy to resell our venues via their new website so would others, 10, 100, 10,000 100,000 resellers would generate huge turnover. But if we gave these resellers the power to upload their own stock at a fixed rate these 100,000 or so companies can cross sell with the Sienna software taking a +/-10% margin from every sale. Much like Amex but with a higher cut and free marketing. Affiliate then viral marketing at its best.

Combine this with the business tools I will have developed and our affiliate companies will make more sales, operate more efficiently and be able to reduce their costs.

It will only be a matter of time before using this software becomes mandatory in the travel industry, and I see no reasons why it won’t work for most if not all other industries.

I havechosen Virgin for a number of reasons. From an internet and software perspective Microsoft and Google have a lot to offer, but nowhere near as much as Virgin. Distribution deals with them can be considered at a later stage.

The software I wish to create needs to connect into Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Money and Virgin Holidays. Sienna needs good business management and big company understanding and association with the Virgin brand will help tremendously.

I have huge admiration for Sir Richard, and it has been my ambition to work with Virgin for many years now.

I have already invested all I could into Sienna. With my limited recourses it will take me around 2 years to develop the software and gain +/-100 partner business..

But with Virgin as a partner and an investment of about $2,500,000 plus senior managers it will take a year and be much more stable. And most importantly it will be far faster at gathering affiliates. I have provided financials that track all costs for a complete wish list of recourses and projected minimum earnings. The bottom line is this:

Investment needed - $2.5M
Profitable in 13 months.
Month 30 - $5,000,000 profit
Month 48 - $65,000,000 profit
Month 60 - $150,000,000 profit

As you can see the financials offer $150,000,000 profit in 6 years. This is just for niche travel industry alone. The $2.5M investment allows generously for Sienna so be adapted to all industries so Sienna’s earning potential is far far greater.
People have copied my ideas all my life, 5 rival business to Cape Villas have been created by previous staff so I am justifiably concerned about confidentiality. I n my experience someone that works for a wage will do what they can to progress in life and copying someone’s idea considered socially acceptable. So I’m asking for some protection. So far I’ve provided the basic idea and the financials as a taster.

I have created a more in depth brochure for your consideration but I’d like to know the names of those that will read it, their position, the hierarchy for this concept reaching the top and the timeframe I should expect. I will require confidentially assurance from all.

I’m not asking for any particularly large advances, so those that know about salesman ship and think showing tempered interest will benefit in negotiations should not worry, eagerness and quick responses will be far more appreciated.
